Newsletter 1

Paray Physiotherapy Study Group

Lumelang bo mme le bo ntate
How are you? I hope for all of you life is going well. How did you reenter your hospital work after the workshop? How is your Physio going? Myself I am back home in Italy. I had a safe journey and my work started peacefully. Aussi Meret had a good time with her friend in South Africa and she is back in her hospital as well.
Enclosed in this letter you find a booklet with many useful recipies for natural remedies. Many of them are simple to produce, effective and safe to apply. I am sure this text will satisfy your curiousity on this topic. I appreciate if you just beep me when you recieve this letter on the following number: 0039 320 35 27 114. So I will be sure that my letter arrived in your hands. Let me greet you, wishing a prosperous time and I can tell you I am still full of wonderful memories of our joyfull staying together during the workshop at Paray.
Salang hantle

Ntate Thuso W. Fasser

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